“A couple of busy fitness months with evenings turning darker and colder are behind us.
We kicked off October with Games Week which was very challenging CF Games workouts and you have managed it very well. We are planning to make this a yearly event as a test of your Fitness. We had Jessica, Vickie, Stewart and Sarah competing which was awesome!
We adjusted our fitness programming and have now Movement &Skills workouts, Fitness workouts and Mental Thoughness workouts. You also started running more with Darrell on Sundays.
Don’t forget we got a bunch of new faces in the box. We like to welcome our new members to the community. Please make them feel welcome and help them through the WOD’s. We pride ourselves that we are a group of friendly fitness junkies with no room for ego’s.”
What's new on the Chalk Board?
Holiday Closure: the box will be closed between XMAS And NY eve. We are looking into organising Open Gym Sessions during this week. Update will follow
ChalkBox's Change Challenge: get right back on track in the New Year starting end of Jan. Coach Agnes will update you straight after the holiday season is over.
Social Event: our first social event will be on Saturday Jan 7th at7pm at MIMI Bakery in Sevenoaks. We got more than 30 members joining, you don't want to miss out on this evening. Bring your partner along! Click here to sign up: Chalkbox Social Event
Testing Week 23rd Jan -31st Jan: it is soon time again to take stock of where you are on your fitness journey.
Goal setting 1st -4th Feb: how do you succesfully set yourself up to hit your fitness goals?
CrossFit Open 2017: It's probably world's largest online fitness competition. As a box we will be participating. WOD 17.1 will be released Feb 23rd. For more info click here
12 Days of CrossFit Challenge
What an amazing effort all of you have put into our yearly community fitness challenge. Some workouts were truly though but you kicked ass. Below some pics of the event:
Thank you for putting ideas and comments in our Comment Box. Keep it coming as all your input will be taken into account.
There were several requests for working on specific movements, like Box jumps, Pull Ups and Squat mobility. From January we will be starting short session before or after CF session where we will focus on these movements for anyone interested.
We will also be starting with a Barbell Club for Teens and Adult-beginners soon. Stick with us it is all in the planning!
We will be opening our new Box in the new year and therefor have got room to grow again. We like to ask all our members to help us grow our community by referring friends and family. Help us make our Community bigger filled with people who all like to work on a better version of themselves. You can forward our posts or take some flyers from the Box to hand out.
The cycle continues in the New Year with Movement & Skills, Fitness and Mental toughness days.
In the next cycle we will focus our skill work on the Snatch.
The Snatch brings a lot of functional movements together. It is moving an object from the ground to overhead in one continuous motion. We could also break it down into a squat, hinge and jumping under the barbell catching it in an overhead position.
Strength work will be focused on upper body with an emphasis on the Pull Up.
Rowing will be back in fashion. It is an excellent tool to work on your aerobic capacity.
After an earlier successful Teens & DADS EVENT we had last week full box with mums and teens. The hour was carefully put together by Coach Agnes with help of Jason, Jessica and Paula. The box was buzzing and it was so good to see this part of our fitness community coming together. We are so proud of our Chalk Kids & Teens with the progress they are making that we are going to start with a Teens Barbell Class in the new year.