300716 SPACE TO SWEAT / Working Together!

Your workout for today is:

In teams of 2:
You are both working at same time example partner 1 rows , partner 2 burpee box jump overs. When 3minutes are completed, partner 1 burpee box jump overs, partner 2 rowing etc


3 Minutes: Row for calories
3 Minutes: Burpee box jump overs 24/20"
2 Minutes: Row for calories
2 Minutes: Burpee box jump overs 24/20"
1 Minute: Row for calories
1 Minute: Burpee box jump overs 24/20"

- rest 4min -

3min Row for calories
3min Thrusters 32.5/25kg
2 Minutes: Row for calories
2 Minutes: Thrusters
1 Minute: Row for calories
1 Minute: Thrusters

Per team record total cal, total reps box jumps and total reps thrusters


1. This is a conditioning workout testing your work capacity. You have to keep on moving. Scale the thrusters to a sensible weight, again keep your breaks short.

2. We have increased the number of people for the class to accommodate those on the waiting list. However as we only got limited number of rowers therefore the modified WOD is as follows:


Partner 1 runs, Partner 2 Burpees over the box jumps. When Partner 1 comes back from the run, Partner 2 goes running and Partner 1 Burpees over the box jumps etc

After you have completed the cycle you watch the clock and rest for 4min. Then you start with second cycle.

800m Run
3 Minutes: Burpee box jump overs 24/20"
400m Run
2 Minutes: Burpee box jump overs 24/20"
200m Run
1 Minute: Burpee box jump overs 24/20"

- rest 4min -

800m Run
3min Thrusters 32.5/25kg
400m Run
2 Minutes: Thrusters
200m Run
1 Minute: Thrusters

Per team record total time, total reps box jumps and total reps thrusters