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Space to Sweat / Friday & Saturday WODs

Your workout for Friday 21th is:

Dynamic Work Snatches: Focus on technical sound movements

A) EMOMx12
Snatch High Pull + Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat @ 50% of your weakest lift

B) EMOMx12
2 Hang Power Snatch @ 50% of your 1 RM
If you can ride the barbell down to squat snatch you should do it.

C) 21-15 -9 reps of
STOH (70/50)
Kettle bell Swings (24/16)


Your workout for Saturday is:

A) "Jerry"
Run 1mile
Row 2k or Assualt Bike
Run 1mile

B) Bonus: 5min of Samson Stretching