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Bex's Story

I can think of a million excuses to not exercise, and I'm sure you can too.

For me, my list could include things like, "I'm too busy", "I can't be bothered", "I would rather stay at home and watch Netflix/read a book".

"I have a disability so I won't be able to do that anyway".

I think lots of people could see that last one and think that was a perfectly reasonable excuse.

However, my disability has not stopped me in any other area of my life thus far, so I'm not going to let it stop me from exercising.

When I was considering joining ChalkBox, I contacted Agnes to explain my disability, and she met with me to go through different movements to see what I could do, and what would need adapting. She was confident that she and the team of coaches could adapt any workout to make sure I could join in, so I took the plunge and joined!

This was one of the best decisions I have made in the last few years, not only for my physical health but also my mental health. It is so motivating when you can see yourself improving each week/month, and for me, it was great to have exercise goals that don't just revolve around weight loss or 'looking better'.

Now I'm pushing myself to lift more weight, row faster, be able to climb a rope, and many other things! Thanks to Agnes and the wonderful team of coaches at ChalkBox, my biggest excuse against exercise is no longer valid! Yes, there are some things I can't do, but there is always an alternative or a way to make it possible.

Fitness should be about progress and doing what works for you, no matter what your body is like. Seeing improvements in your physical health is much more important than being perfect at everything.

So, what's your excuse?