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DETAILS: CHALKBOX and the CrossFit Open


The CrossFit open is an online worldwide competition which is to select the top athletes who will go through to the CrossFit Games in August 2020.

You can take part in the official CF Open by registering for $20 via The fun about this is that you can compare yourself with many other people who are just regular people like us. Last year almost 500.000 people signed up for the official Open.

At CHALKBOX we also do the CF Open but a little bit different. As most of you know we have been doing this for some years now and is has always been a great success. Last year we had an awesome video made by Katherine Pope summing up the fun 5 weeks of fitness at the Box and I know for a fact that many feel emotional by just watching this video, including me, because it was such a great time

Where PB's are smashed, cakes are eaten, fancy dress is worn and friendships are made. Around up of 5 weekends of fitness challenges at ChalkBox Borough Green - best box in Kent. Credit: Katherine Pope Photography

This year we will be doing it a little bit different

  • We will be having 5 teams plus a teens team. All teams captains will be one of the CHALKBOX coaches. Each team will have its own colour.

You can score points for your team by:

  1. Your WOD Score (only first attempt counts!!!)

  2. PB’s - first box jump, pull up etc

  3. All of the team have to complete the WOD on Friday Bar Fight Night

  4. Bring in snacks / drinks

  5. Post action / fun pictures between Friday night and Wednesday night

  6. Standing out as a team


  • Bar Fight Nights are on Friday October 11th, 18th, 25th, November 1st and 8th. Starting 6pm till last heat finishes.

What’s next?

  • Sign up before September 23rd via the sign up bottom below and fill out the form so we know your T-shirt size. We ask £20 to go towards printing team T shirts.

  • We close the sign up on September 23rd


What if I can’t make Friday evening?

You can do the CF Open WOD during any open gym session as well and your score will count for the team, the team will only lose a point because not everyone completed on Friday evening.

What if I can’t come as early as 6pm?

We will be doing the CF Open in heats and you can turn up between 6pm and 8:30pm to take part in the heats. We encourage people to support their team after they have finished their WOD and make use of the drinks and snacks brought in. A bar fight needs a crowed right :)

How do you know my score of the WOD

You need to log your score in SugarWod. All scores need to be in by Friday night so we can check scores and attendance of the teams on the Friday night

How do you know I have had a PB?

You need to let your team captain know who will communicate this with the person in charge of the scoring

What kind of snacks should I bring?

Preferable home made ofcourse, but anything you like to bring is welcome for all the supporters during the evening. It might be worth coordinating with your team who brings what.

Why do I need to pay to take part in this?

Your contribution will go towards printing a T shirt

What photo’s can I post?

Any fun picture or action photo you think is worth sharing on Chalk It. Only photo’s posted between the Friday when the photo was taken and Wednesday after counts. Any photo posted on Thursday does not add to the score.

What does standing out as a team means?

This could be many things. Dressing up, supporting each-other a lot. Last year we had teams making team banners and even awesome videos.

What If I only just started training at CHALKBOX?

The CF Open workouts are published by CrossFit HQ and we have no control over that. The workouts are often a test and are not easy to be fair. But like any workout we can scale it, we can even give it our own twist if we like. It’s not only about the workouts, its about the community fun, teams competing against each-other, working out together and giving it your best

Can I chose my own team?

The teams are made by the coaches. We fill the teams as fair as possible, so mixed abilities, mixed sex and to make it the best experience of your life….. mixed personalities.

Can I bring friends?

YES! Bring anyone you like to cheer you on and to have a snack and a beer while supporting!

Without a doubt this event will be something that stays with you forever. We have done this for some years now and every year gets better. People work together, people cheer each other on, people who didn’t think they had it in them joined in. It is a celebration of your fitness and it will give you a lot of motivation to be even better next year.

I strongly encourage EVERY CHALKBOX member to take part as I promise you, you do not want to miss this!

Owner & Coach Agnes

See this form in the original post