A New Class!

Girls & Heroes……..

What do we mean when we say “benchmark”?

“Benchmark” is a workout (or series of workouts) that we will perform twice or more.

Results from the first exposure will establish a standard. We’ll then measure future efforts against this standard.

We’ll train for a period of time, and then repeat the same workout (or series of workouts) in order to compare results.

Benchmark workout usually test multiple components of fitness at once and are, to put it plainly, difficult.

Why do we do benchmark workouts?
1. Gives training purpose.

Many of us at Crossfit CHALKBOX don’t compete in a sport, so the benchmark workouts are a great way to add specific, measurable, and realistic goals — as well as a deadline — in order to inspire better performance and ensure those goals are met.

2. Exposes deficiencies or imbalances.

As tests of multiple components of fitness, benchmark workouts tend to bring to light any sticky or troubling areas with which you may have difficulty. You can then spend the period of time until the next benchmark working on those weaknesses.

3. Inspires camaraderie and community.

Benchmarks let everyone share their struggles, their let-downs, and their triumphs. When you become aware of other gym members’ goals, you want them to do well. In turn, it also helps to have other members know your goals and cheer for you, too!

4. Competition can increase efforts.

The benchmarks can inspire you to beat your first results, to compete against yourself. Or, if you’re so inclined, you can use competitive energy with others to pull out all the stops.

5. Encourages consistency.

It’s so much easier to turn up consistently (the key to any fitness gains) when you know you’re part of a cycle with a beginning, middle, and end.

We will have 2 Sundays a month where we do a Benchmark WOD and your coaches will jump in the WOD with you.

First Benchmark session will be February 9th at 9aM with Coach Mel and the second one will be February 23rd at 9aM with Coach Jason