Meet Chris - Doctor of Chiropractic

We are super excited to introduce you all to Chris Chippendale. CHALKBOX will be working in partnership with Chris to support our members in their fitness and well-being.

“Despite always being interested in rehabilitation and exercise, it was only after my own lifting injury in my late 20's that I personally experienced how debilitating back pain could be. It turns out I wasn't as invincible as I'd thought! Fortunately, with the help of some fantastic colleagues, I was soon back in the gym and lifting again, but the whole experience taught me first-hand the importance of a well-rounded approach to fitness. Whilst I still get excited for "deadlift-day", these days I make sure to vary my training more and focus more on health than simply the weight on the bar! “

More about Chris:

  • Specialist Faculty Member of the Royal College of Chiropractors (Pain Faculty)

  • Awarded his Masters Degree in Chiropractic from the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic

  • Awarded “Best Research Project of the Year” by the Royal College of Chiropractors for his Masters dissertation

  • Awarded Distinction in his Post Graduate Certification in Advanced Professional Practice (Functional Musculoskeletal Health), from the Anglo-European College of Chiropractors

  • Lead South-East Thames tutor for new graduate Chiropractors

  • Certified Kinesio Tape Practitioner

  • Certified in the Selective Functional Movement Assessment

As the son of a chiropractor, Chris grew up with chiropractic “from the cradle” and developed a deep fascination with human biology and the nervous system.

Having seen the difference that chiropractic treatment had made to so many people, he decided at the tender age of 11 that this was the career for him – a decision he has never regretted. Since earning his Masters in Chiropractic, Chris has continued to further his skills and knowledge, keeping up his research studies and attending a wide range of courses to be able to provide the highest quality of care to his patients.

He is the lead trainer for new graduate Chiropractors in the South East London region, provides training seminars and workshops for other healthcare professionals, and is a guest lecturer for Chiropractic students at London South Bank University.

Chris has a particular interest in chronic pain and therapeutic exercise, and in 2017 earned a place in the prestigious Royal College of Chiropractors’ Pain Specialist Faculty. As well as regular strength and HIIT training, in his spare time, he enjoys reading, going for walks, and hanging out with his wife and 5-year-old daughter.