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Coach Agnes talks about the CF Open

Next week the CF Open starts!

I know the CHALKBOX coaches go on and on about the CF Open. You have seen in the last few days how they look at it all and why they feel it is something you should try.

If you ask me about the CF Open, I think it is a great opportunity to find your weaknesses and your strength. You will learn what you need to work on for sure. But this year for me the CF Open is second place… there is a MUCH BIGGER PICTURE for what we should try to achieve this year…

This year it’s a whole different story. After 2020 where CHALKBOX has been closed or had to be limited in the offering of the classes for almost all of the year, it’s time to get our community spirit back. It’s been a year since we last gave each-other a tap on the shoulder when we achieved something new or where we could jump in the air and high-five each other. I feel this is what CHALKBOX is all about.

We are a community of like-minded people who put our general health very high on our agenda and therefore love to celebrate each other’s achievements.

But we have not been able to do this for a year now and it’s time we start doing this again.

For me this year the CF Open is about bringing the CHALKBOX SPIRIT BACK TO LIFE. Let’s get together again and celebrate the small achievements we are so proud of. Let’s high-five each other again, whether it’s a virtual high five or in person. Let’s encourage each other to do that 1 extra rep in the workout, to squeeze in one more air squat, or to give it everything we have got to try and perform a pistol. It’s more about having the CHALKBOX SPIRIT back again and we happen to organize this during the CF Open.

And if some of the workouts are above our abilities, who cares! You know we will scale all and you know your body is capable of doing things you couldn’t imagine. That’s what you learn at CHALKBOX and that’s what makes all so special.

So I urge ALL CHALKBOX MEMBERS and your friends, to go to BoxMate and register a team or to use the spreadsheet link below if you like to be added to a team.

Let’s bring the CHALKBOX Community back together, let’s work on our health, and let’s go back to cheering each other on.

We have only 1 category now which is mixed… So that could be any team, men, women, kids, dogs :)