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Coach Alan appointed to lead Coaches' Development

At CHALKBOX we continuously strive towards offering the most complete strength and conditioning program we can for our members. This includes world-class coaching, goal setting work, and nutrition direction. Of course, this relentless pursuit requires us to have well trained, professional coaches who can not only cover the specifics of movements, coaching methodologies but also be present outside of class to help you with anything related to fitness.

In this role Coach Alan is helping the trainers develop their tool box and resources to be more effective in class. This will also help to ensure maintaining consistency in our coaching standards across all classes. In addition he will be working closely with Coach Isk in fine tuning our trainings program.

Yes your coaches at CHALKBOX are bunch of ambitious people and our reward is your improved health and fitness.

Coach Alan brings a wealth of experience to our community. He has over 10 years CrossFit coaching experience, 5 years experience in coaching weight lifting, is a certified nutritionist and got expertise in injury rehab, movement screening and prevention as well.

He started with us in September last year and gradually has taken up more classes and we are excited that he has accepted these additional responsibilities!

Onwards & Upwards!

Coach Agnes