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CrossFit Competitions - Who can do it?

Coach Katie shares her competition experience

Do you need a top athlete to join CrossFit competition? Can you just start or do you need a certain level?  

This is how Coach Katie started:

 "I was invited to be part of a team comp (Tribal Clash), back in 2014, I really enjoyed the whole experience. Ultimately I think the buzz of achieving something and making the training seem worthwhile, was probably key to me and that nothing no matter how hard it seems is impossible.  This is what drives me now to compete, it is putting yourself out there, trying to achieve something which is mentally and physically challenging and then enjoying the flood of endorphins which follows!  Hanging out with mostly like minded people I also enjoy too, it’s much better than a Saturday night in the pub if you ask me!"

Do you need to eat lots of super foods to be able to compete?

" I don’t really change my eating habits much before the comp apart from taking on extra  porridge (I am a huge fan of the humble oat). I tend to eat a macro based diet anyway, so I continue to do the same and just up the carbs with porridge.  Sleep is probably a more important factor than food for me now as I have eaten in a simlar way for the last 2 years.  On the day of the comp I will have breakfast and than take lots of small things I can eat throughout the day to keep energy levels high without getting a dip in blood sugar levels.  I don’t usuall eat a meal as such until the end of the day".

How scary is a competition and will everyone be watching you?

"I love the buzz of competitions, most people are very friendly and always willing to help you out. You get to know a few of the same familar faces, and it is always nice to catch up. I think I probably learn something new every comp I go to whether it is about myself, how to approah a Wod, the ideal warm up of even how to build some ideas into my own training. By casting the net wider from your usual peers you will be amazed what you can pick up'. 

Do you feel anyone can join competitions?

 "Yes!  If you love hanging out and talking about crossfit all day long, love watching other people move, ready and willing to learn and want to get the best buzz post WOD, then comp’s are the place to be!  It will also start to help focus you on your own training, highlighting strengths and weaknesses.

There are so many comp’s now and many that have a scaled category to make them as inclusive as possible, This is great as you can compete against other people that still can’t do everything and gain experience without feeling intimidated.  I would be more than happy to chat with anyone who is considering competiting to help them identify a good comp to enter for them."   

When can we see you in action again?

"Recently have been 2nd at Pound for Pound, 1st at Masterclasses, next up Masters Rainhill trials (October 14th), Enter the Dragon at Crossfit Slough (Team Comp Sunday 22nd October), SID in November, then a big focus on the Open 2018 and try to better my position from 2017".