CrossFit Kids is Back
Strength and Conditioning for kids
One of the main reasons I started working with children is because it was important to me to instill the value of fitness at an early age. It is also important to make sure kids find fitness fun – if children grow up associating working out with being something enjoyable and clearly seeing the benefits to their bodies and health, then they are more likely to keep fitness as a priority throughout their lives. Eating healthy becomes a natural and normal choice and being active becomes something they just do. Enrolling kids in an all-encompassing program like CrossFit also shows children health and fitness is something their parents prioritize and want to educate them about.
Be your own Superhero
Our CrossFit Kids sessions are from the age of 8 years up to 11 years old. Children 11+ move to our CrossFit Teens sessions.
CrossFit kids sessions are every Friday 5pm and the Teens Tuesday 5:15pm and Saturday 10:30am.
Our sessions for Kids and Teens involve a workout that combines aspects from gymnastics; weight lifting; body-weight training, such as squats and pull-ups; and endurance training, such as running, rowing,jumping and climbing ropes. But mostly our sessions are all about having FUN.
Try out CrossFit kids
contact Agnes
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