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Deloading for CrossFit: The Basics - by Coach Iskandar

Train smarter not harder!

We’ve been hitting it pretty hard for 6 weeks now. Most of you are acclimated to the volume and intensity of our Stronger, Leaner & Healthier program, with that being said, we think it’s time we discuss a very important element of Strength and Conditioning and the unique challenge that CrossFit training presents us with.

In all traditional strength programs there is what is commonly referred to as a Deload. In basic terms this is an intentional lowering of volume, intensity or loading in your program for a short period with the intended effect of increasing your strength in the long term. It is a basic truth of all exercise that we DO NOT get stronger and fitter from working out.

We get stronger and fitter when we recover from working out. At its most basic level exercise is simply putting your body under a clearly defined stress so that during the subsequent recovery period you will adapt to that stress and become fitter. If you constantly go all out, you will eventually stop making gains and/or you will get injured.

A classic deload would entail lowering your intensity, volume or load for the duration of one week or taking more rest days for a short period. It is not uncommon to see people who are worn out, take a week off and then come back refreshed, stronger and generally fitter. For those of you coming from an endurance background, imagine if you just hit long runs every day of the week.  You need rest. 

I discovered this first hand years ago when I began CrossFit. I fell in with the “more must be better” mentality, quickly burnt out and found myself constantly nursing minor injuries. 

We are now entering a week of DELOAD WODs at the gym. A week of moderate loads, max 75% effort, good tunes and good company. It is an opportunity to hone in on skills and work on some more mobility. However you might feel that you are fresh perhaps had a break and are getting back into things but don’t be disappointed. You can go hard every single WOD simply add weight or up the effort :-)

To that end there are some basic rules you can apply to properly deload:

Every 4-6 weeks check in with yourself and consider the volume of your training and how you feel? If you’re worn out, constantly sore, mentally drained, then perhaps a deload is necessary.

  • A deload doesn’t have to mean doing nothing at all. Just lower the 3 variables we mentioned earlier: Volume, Load, Intensity. If you always go RX, then drop the weight. If it’s a back squat day, go at 50-60% instead of your usual. Come in and do more mobility or skill work rather than a challenging WOD.
  • Talk to a coach and get some feedback on how to deload for the class. We understand, we’ve been there. 100% intensity has it’s time and place.
  • Emphasize recovery. Get a massage, go for a swim. You shouldn’t be working out every day. If you eat a calorie restricted diet or an ultra low carb diet, then take a break from that for a couple of days.
  • Be kind to yourself. Many people labor under the misconception that if they take a day off or lower the intensity of their training that they will either lose fitness or gain weight. Nothing could be further from the truth. Give yourself a break.

Lastly, a deload period can be of varying durations. It can be a long weekend or it can 7 full days. I have a friend who has been hitting wods non-stop for 3 months and was starting to wear himself out. He took a week off and did nothing but skillwork and mobility. When he returned a week later to full training volume he PR’ed 3 of his lifts in the first week.

Your fitness is a lifelong project and not just an all out sprint. Be mindful of this and you’ll see greater gains over the long haul.