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Our partnership with DVSM

Meet Colette Collins your Sports Massage Therapist

We all tend to suffer with various aches and pains at some point for various reasons and sports massage can address this for you.  What is sports massage you may be wondering?  Well, contrary to what many may think, it’s not exclusively for people who take part in sports.  This type of deep tissue massage works on addressing any pain and/or discomfort experienced throughout the soft tissues, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body.  This can be for a variety of reasons such as sporting injuries, postural problems leading to chronic pain and imbalances or from ongoing conditions such as arthritis.  

We all tend to suffer with various aches and pains at some point for various reasons and sports massage can address this for you.  What is sports massage you may be wondering?  Well, contrary to what many may think, it’s not exclusively for people who take part in sports.  This type of deep tissue massage works on addressing any pain and/or discomfort experienced throughout the soft tissues, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body.  This can be for a variety of reasons such as sporting injuries, postural problems leading to chronic pain and imbalances or from ongoing conditions such as arthritis.  

For the sporty people amongst you, regular massage helps tremendously in helping to keep the soft tissues functioning well and to keep them strong.  Little niggles can be addressed sooner and managed fully before things escalate and become bigger problems, thus reducing the chance of injuries (or the reoccurrence of old injuries).  I can help you with your preparation before events and also with your recovery afterwards, fitting in around training schedules.

Sports Massage is most definitely suitable for everyone and I would urge you to give it a try.  It’s benefits are far reaching and can address immediate and long term issues both from a physical and psychological perspective as well as helping you to relax and release any tension.