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Don't be fooled by Helen or Ellen [Testing Week]

Okay peeps, 2 weeks of testing is upon us. In order to measure your strength, fitness and progression we need to take measurements and these measurements can be in any number and combination of ways. As long as the data is observable, measurable and repeatable.

We can do this by repeating benchmark workouts (like the girls) on an intermittent basis,. Or we can be more specific and take more certain measurements (your previous PR's) and see how these have improved and the end of a specific cycle. For those that don't have PR's its a chance to set them in the testing week.

  • Absolute Strength: This can be defined as the maximum amount you can lift for 1 rep. Such as back squat, Clean and jerk etc.

  • Explosive power: This can be defined as your ability to produce maximal force. This can be tested with things like max height box jump and shuttle sprint tests.

  • Alactic Power/Endurance: This is your ability to maintain explosive power for extended durations. thing like repeated box jumps, plyo push ups

  • Lactic Endurance: This is your ability of your lactic system to produce power over extended periods. Basically how long can you work in/around your anaerobic threshold, can be tested by things like rowing intervals and thruster ladder.

  • Power Endurance: This is your ability to produce high levels of power (force, work etc) at a high rate over an extended period of time. These can be tested over a variety of workout ie 7 minutes of burpees, longer chippers and multi movements such as 10 minute of STOH, deadlifts and box jumps. These workouts covered varying time domains, but also challenged you in a range of different movements. You may see a single gymnastics movement workout, the burpee – a triplet with weightlifting and gymnastics movements – and a ‘chipper’ which included weightlifting, gymnastics and mono-structural movements.



  • TUESDAY - [TEST 1] Find a heavy back rack lunge followed by a spicy finisher.😃!

  • WEDNESDAY - [TEST 2] "Helen" followed by upside down skill work

  • THURSDAY - [TEST 3] CrossFit Total with a twist, teams of 3

  • FRIDAY - [TEST 4] "Ellen" followed by single unders to double unders skill work💦

  • SATURDAY -  [TEST 5]  "BBWOD 1", stamina - monostructural👊

  • SUNDAY - [TEST 6] "Dirty Thirty", work capacity across several movements


  • MONDAY [CHALK HR]- Learn more about your heart rate with Alan.

  • WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY [Barbell Club] - As strong as Jay!

  • FRIDAY [BENCHMARK] - Not this week!