Olympic Lifting for Teens

Our Teens will get their own Olympic Lifting coach

We are exited to inform you that we are starting Barbell sessions for Teens.

Our Teens on Tuesdays and Saturdays have shown a large interest in getting better at their technique in Olympic lifting. Olympic Lifting is a great sport to work on flexibility, mobility and coordination. Our aim is not to make the teens go heavy in weights but to teach them  proper skill on how to lift safe which will make them stronger, fitter and more confident in any other sport they will perform.

Our Saturday Teens session will be split in Olympic lifting one week and CrossFit the other week. If there are teens who are not interested in developing their lifting skills they can stick to CrossFit every week instead.

Our Lifting coach Jason has a lot of experience in both Olympic lifting and CrossFit and will be teaching our teens everything there is to learn about lifting in a safe way.

We are very exited to add this part to our Saturday Teens sessions to make them even more all-round in their fitness and strength so they will get better at any sport they do.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Agnes: agnes@crossfitchalkbox.com