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Our PB Board

You may have noticed that we have changed our previous "Goals Board" to a "PB Board."


We noticed that many people set a goal at the start of the year (sometimes just any goal to get something behind your name) and then stopped.

A personal best is a goal. If you had your first pull up, that would be a personal best, but I'm sure it had to be one of your goals as well to get you there? That applies to any PB.

Also, personal bests can be broken, which means that even if you have reached your goal, you are not finished... You can improve it by linking up three pull ups instead of just one.

So we now have a PB board, and we challenge you to get your name on it! Set some goals for yourself, write them down, and go over them on a regular basis. Continue to work hard every day to achieve your goals, and your name will be added to the list.

Achieving your goal can be viewed as a victory. Every PB we record for you on the board is a WIN! Winning is the acquisition of power, and it will make you a more confident person in life as well as a better athlete.

So, let's start today by writing down some attainable goals. Inform your coaches and friends of their existence. Hold yourself accountable, and let's get those new PBs up on the board!