Our Wodder of the month
Meet Mia
Mia had her first taster session at ChalkBox in August 2016. Mia was from the start super enthusiastic about CrossFit and gave every session 100% effort.
“I’ve lost weight and seen my body shape change and my strength and capacity develop, I’ve learned about balancing my nutrition. I’ve still got a long way to go and so much more to learn but love the fact that I’m stronger and fitter than I’ve ever been in my adult life. ”
Mia's progress was a steady progressing line but her big struggle was and still is mobility. She has improved massively due to her commitment. In February 2017 Mia was part of the CrossFit Open teams at ChalkBox and was a great support to everyone in her team.
Recently Mia also started joining the Barbell Club coached by our Barbell Coach Jason and he is impressed with her effort and improvement. Olympic lifting is a very skilled sport and asks for a lot of flexibility but this didn't put Mia off and she gives it her best in every session!
We have asked Mia a few questions, and this is what she said:
What activities did you do before you started CrossFit?
I used to do weekly circuit training, boxercise and body pump at my local gym as well as seeing a personal trainer
Why did you start CrossFit?
I wanted to try something that really pushed me to a new level, I'd seen some videos of the games online and was in awe of these athletes and wanted to learn more
How was your first session?
The taster was a good session, the first few regular sessions were pretty daunting but inspiring and got me hooked
What is the hardest bit of CrossFit for you? And what do you enjoy the most?
Hardest part for me are the gymnastic movements like pull ups etc. and the running, I still hate running but I try and work on my weaknesses, I'll never run a marathon but I'll get a pull up one day!
My favourites are definitely the strength focused wods...and buying new crossfit gear 😄
How do your friends and family see your new love for CrossFit ?
They've all seen a change in me and encourage me, although some of my friends don't really understand when I skip nights out in favour of a crossfit session! I'm one of those people who talks about crossfit at every opportunity but they all put up with it!
What is your best memory within the Box?
Competing in a team for the Open was so much fun, a great community atmosphere, getting encouragement and praise from the coaches and friends in the box and doing my first RX workout...and a new PB is always a thrill
How is it going at Barbell club?
I'm really loving barbell Club, I wish I'd joined sooner, I felt a little intimidated by it before I joined as everyone looked so fit and strong but they're such a supportive and encouraging group of people, there's great focus on technique and improving skills, I'd encourage anyone who felt like me to come along and give it a go
What is changed for you since you started CrossFit?
I've lost weight and seen my body shape change and my strength and capacity develop, I've learned about balancing my nutrition. I've still got a long way to go and so much more to learn but love the fact that I'm stronger and fitter than I've ever been in my adult life.
During stressful times, a visit to the box is a great help.
The community spirit is something quite unique, I've met lots of people and made some great new friends.
It doesn't matter what age, sex, size or fitness level you're at, it's addictive and you compete to be a better version of yourself whenever you're in the box.