Our Wodder of the Month... Ryan!

Meet Ryan:

"My lifestyle has changed a lot, prior to starting CrossFit weekends were spent drinking and then being hungover. Now Saturday and Sunday mornings are spent in the box rather than lying in a hungover state in bed!"


Ryan joined ChalkBox in July 2016. In his taster session was a memorable one. He is was relatively fit but was lacking strength. Let's do the base line wod again Ryan?!

 I think I speak for the whole of the ChalkBox community when I say Ryan is the Fun maker in the Box. He is full of enthusiasm and supports everyone during their workout from adults to kids. Ryan has developed a passion for gymnastics in the last year and we see him more up-side-down than on his feet. His strength has developed tremendously and Ryan is now an all-round athlete ready for what ever life throws at him.


We have asked Ryan some questions:

What activities did you do before you started CrossFit?  "Before CrossFit all I have done was trail running." 

Why did you start CrossFit? "When arriving in Mexico for a 2 year work project it became apparent that long distance running in the Mexican heat wasn't really an option so I decided to visit the local CrossFit gym and after my first class I was hooked."

How was your first session? "My first session was both amazing and horrible at the same time. I'd never done any real strength work so I felt a little intimidated watching some of the regulars lifting what seemed crazy amounts of weights."

What is the hardest bit of CrossFit for you and what do you enjoy the most? "It's all hard! You improve then find the next weakness or challenge. I've been enjoying practicing all of the gymnastics based movements the last 8-12 weeks. Handstand walking and hand stand push ups mostly. "

How do your friends and family see your new love for CrossFit? "They think I am crazy but I am slowly converting them all! "

What is your best memory within the Box? "The atmosphere in the box during the CrossFit open was fantastic. There was a great togetherness and I think it brought a lot of members from all areas of life together and allowed friendships to develop that outside of the  box in everyday life would never have happened."

Why are you always up-side-down? "Haha...being upside down is one of the most un- natural positions for humans which in turn makes it extremely challenging. I like pushing myself  and like to have goals, hence lots of walking on my hands and  hand stand press ups practice. It's amazing how quickly you progress with just 5-10 minutes practice everyday." 

What is changed for you since you stated CrossFit at ChalkBox? "My lifestyle has changed a lot, prior to starting CrossFit weekends were spent drinking and then being hungover. Now Saturday and Sunday mornings are spent in the box rather than lying in a hungover state in bed!"

Ryan we have enjoyed you in the Box a lot and we will miss you when you move to Spain but a calendar will be put up in the Box counting down the days for your return!