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A new exciting course!

We like to introduce a new course coming up: The Pain Clinic

Have you frequently got pain after deadlifts? Do you feel your shoulders are hurting during or after pressing? Do you still struggle to go below parallel in your Squat?

We as athletes are known for pushing ourselves hard. We consistently try to squat heavier, push more weight overhead and pull that rower as hard as we can. And we should as this is why we get stronger and fitter. But some of us (or maybe even more than just some) forget to work on the mechanics.

You can’t race your car every day to the limit without making sure it’s running well. The same goes for your body. Do you take hours to warm up for an overhead squat and/or snatch or does your back hurt after every deadlift? If the answer is yes, then should you really be pushing yourself in going heavy in these movements?

We see people getting strains and pains, they go to see Mel or an osteopath and they get the quick fix. One week later they are back lifting heavy again, making the same mechanical mistakes and end up being injured again….

So let’s start here and let’s start moving well. It should NOT take hours to warm up for a decent depth in the squat, your shoulders should NOT be hurting in a pull-up or push press…

And guess what if you move well your numbers in the weightS you lift will fly up!

CHALKBOX will be organizing ‘pain clinics’. It could be a shoulder-pain clinic, or back-pain clinic or knee…. These Clinics are meant to improve the mechanics of your body so you will be able to move better and push harder without getting injured.

• Every Tuesday and Thursday evening, we will have a 1-hour clinic/workshop focusing on one movement that involves the pain area. Focus on moving properly without pain.

• We will spend time breaking down the movement in detail.

• We’ll spend the time practicing the movement with PVC and some light weight, so we can really understand the components of each movement.

• After that will be spending time on mobility for that movement (foam rolling, lacrosse ball, stretching, banded techniques). These mobility techniques will be aimed directly at improving that week’s movement.

• In the last part, we will be spent on performing the movement with PERFECT form and range of motion and answering any questions.

Coach Mel and Alan will turn into ‘the Kelly Starrett’ of CHALKBOX and will fix you via mechanics.

We need to start investing in our Body and we need to move well. If not for lifting heavier weights, it could be for standing at the bar on Saturday night without having to hop from leg-to-leg because of lower back pain or to work in the garden without getting injured.

The Clinics runs in packs of 6 sessions per pain area (6 weeks).

Price: £180,- can be paid in one amount or spread over 6 weeks.

Max people per session: 6 (first come first get) Min people per session: 4

Our booking details for this course will follow soon. It’s for members and non-members of CHALKBOX. To get your place reserved you can fill out the form below.

Interested and like to learn more about this? Fill out the form below

See this form in the original post