Play Book for the coming Saturdays

We hope you are all as excited as your coaches are! This event has been a huge success year on year in the last 8 years! Working together, having FUN and getting fit and strong.

At the moment we have 42 competitors and we expect 20 more to sign up soon.

What can you expect?

As soon as the workouts are announced on the Thursday evening we will add slots to team up where you can book in for your heats. We will go in heats but you can all turn up at any time to watch each other, judge each other, support each other and to have cakes and coffees.

Every week we will have an extra task for you to do which can give you extra points for your workouts. These events can be, the best-dressed person during a WOD, the person who brings in the best cakes, the person who supports others most and so on.

This event is not just about winning, it is about challenging yourself. Being the best version of yourself. You will for sure find your weakness in the coming 3 weeks, but that is okay. It gives you something to work on.

We will finish on March 12th with our annual Social any Melias Place in Borough Green. Another successful event we always organise. You need to register for this though as all need to be pre-booked. If you like to join register now!

If you have any questions, let us know!

Saturday 26th our FIRST WOD the 22.1!!!!