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Strength Club Program V2.0 led by Coach Isk

Develop Strength & Structural balance

Building on success of Strength Club last year we are going to pick this one up

  • Why?

For both beginner and advanced CrossFitter/Fitness junkie it is important to establish/develop motor skills, coordination, range of motion and correct muscle activation during movement patterns. The program will provide you with the movement competency, structural strength and integrity that will allow you to handle more advanced movement patterns. More importantly the extra strength work will keep your body balanced and injury free.

The Program is designed as such that it will complement the work we are already doing in the box.

  • When?

It will be in blocks of 12 weeks programming + 4 make up weeks (for missed WODs) focussing on bulletproofing your body, rotating from one area to another. We know that life can be hectic therefore we will allow for total flexibility when you want to do the workout whilst keeping access to the coaching team.

- Start Monday 6th August or start Monday 10th September for 12 weeks 

- Once a month on Monday 7:30pm we will have a coached class to go through the movements for the next 4 weeks

- You can work on your program during weekdays in OPEN GYM in the mornings and/or Monday evening 7:30pm-9pm, Wednesday 6pm-7pm, or Fridays 6:30pm-8pm.

Again if you are going away on holidays or miss a workout that's fine. You can start & pause and resume when you are back.

  • What?

12 weeks of online 2 x workouts a week programming supplemented with a monthly coaching session on Monday evening. The coaching session will take you through the main movements in the program, however outside this session you can always get in touch and we will help you where needed. The workouts will be in your individual track in SugarWod - no one else will have access to it and we will track your progress.

  • Cost?

£85,- if you got 2 twice a week membership, £75,- if you are unlimited

Places are limited to 10 only