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Stress Pillar 2: Move

Stress Pillar 3: Move

Ever heard of the runners high? This is when an aerobic activity, such as running, boosts the production of endorphins (the feel-good chemical) which acts as a natural pain-killer. The good news is, that you don't have to be a runner to get it, studies show any aerobic activity can contribute to the same high.

Exercise is one of the best strategies for combating stress. Not only does it release happy hormones, it boosts your confidence, and self-belief and negates some of the negative impacts stress is already having on your body. It reduces the levels of adrenaline and cortisol which in excess are detrimental to your health.

Additionally, joining a group class such as CrossFit is a great way to connect with other people. A lack of meaningful social connections due to an increase in isolation (thanks Covid!) has been shown to promote a constant state of stress. So do yourself a favour and kill two birds with one stone - get your daily movement L

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