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Stress Pillar 4: Breathe

What if I told you there is something you have with you every single day, every hour, every minute, it’s completely free, and you can use it to:

  • improve mental & physical state

  • boost immune system,

  • improve focus

  • reduce stress & anxiety

Any guesses?

It’s your breath.

Through conscious breathing (known as breathwork) you can manipulate your nervous system, bringing you from that fight or flight response (stress) back down to balance or even into your parasympathetic state that aids recovery and digestion.

There is tons that breathwork can do, including navigating down through your brainwaves to bring you into a deep state for meditation as well as postural work and aiding you through endurance training - but today we are going to focus on a breath for stress.

In the video below I take you through a breathing exercise called box breathing, which is easy and safe to do anywhere, any time and in any state. It will bring your nervous system back to balance.

Like to know more? Sent us an email, we are happy to help