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The Benefits of Gymnastics - by coach Laura

At CHALKBOX we like to combine a broad range of movements and training modalities, we train for strength, speed, stamina, agility, cardio, balance, and so on so that we can be fit and strong and ready for anything that life throws at us.

In this post, we will look specifically at the benefits of incorporating gymnastic movements in our workouts.

First of all, what do we mean by gymnastic movements? When most people think of gymnastics, elaborate routines and flips spring to mind, but when we talk about gymnastic movements at CHALKBOX, we are referring to movements that are done with our own bodyweight. These would include air squats, burpees, pull-ups, push-ups, handstands, toes to bar, dips, rope climbs, and so on.

Why are they so important? Relying on our own body weight as the only source of resistance is a great way of developing strength in relation to our bodyweight - if you look at the physique of a gymnast you can see how strong they are, but gymnastic movements offer so much more than just improving strength, they are key to developing a combination of strength, balance, flexibility, coordination, agility, accuracy and kinesthetic sense (or body awareness).

If you can work on perfecting your bodyweight movements this will carry over into all other areas - building a good foundation in your air squat and lunges will give you single and double leg and hip stability and improve your mobility in your squats. Working on pull-ups will teach you how to turn the lats on, handstand progressions will develop shoulder strength and stability and are an outstanding way to improve balance, working on sit-ups, L-sits and hollow holds will give you superior core control and safeguard you from injury, the list of benefits goes on and on and on.

So what's the approach? When developing your gymnastic skills it is important not to get carried away and try and move too fast too soon. You'll see so much more improvement much faster if you master the basics before moving on. When working progressions don't try to go beyond where you are, rather master the drills for where you are currently and move on with confidence when you're ready. You can never be too good at the basics! Think about the air squat, it can feel easier to squat with a load than performing an air squat because the weight will push us into position, but, although it might feel more comfortable - your mobility restrictions are still there. Think about how much your lifts would improve if you ironed out the wrinkles in the humble air squat.

With gymnastic movements, it's often best to do less volume, but do it better. So when they come up in workouts at a higher volume than you might currently be capable of, scale back - do a less advanced progression. You'll get more out of it and see better improvements in the long run if you have a little bit of patience with the gymnastic movements.

In closing Gymnastics movements can be tough to learn - but nailing a movement in gymnastics can be one of the most rewarding things you'll do, whether it's getting your first pull-up, holding a handstand without the use of a wall for a few seconds or getting your first pushup - putting in the work and seeing the results is always worth it! Gymnastic movements will make you more agile, stronger, more flexible and increase your body awareness and control - and that's why you'll see them in our workouts often!

So enjoy them, work on them, and reap all of the benefits!

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