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The CrossFit Open at CHALKBOX

Firstly amazing work to everyone who joined in on the Chalkbox Open.

It was so great to see so many faces old and new take part. Please pass on to all your friends and family how well they did!

It felt great to get that community buzz via zoom. We hope you all enjoyed your challenges from the workouts themselves and the extra points!

A massive highlight for us was definitely watching you all get so competitive putting those layers on! Lots of fun, we can’t wait to be able to do a competition again in person!

Now to announce the winners!

It’s been a battle at the top each week but these are the final standings:

3rd Place: Coach Mel with Team Donut Heck with Us
2nd Place: Jo Dunkley with Team Maybe 11

But in First Place we have.....

Amanda Little and Family with Team Lamb to the Slaughter!!!

Well done the Little Family!! Hope you guys had a blast and had fun working out as a family!!