The Honesty Bar

How to use the honesty Bar

At CHALKBOX we offer extras for our members to fuel you with carbs and protein for your workout.

We offer Barbells, RX Bars and Nocco’s. If you like to make use of this make sure you write your name clearly on the sheet provided with the products you have taken. If you pay cash you can put your money in the money box and you need to tick the Box “paid”. If you like to pay by card you need to make sure your credit card details are on our Team up system so we can charge you later.

If you quickly take a drink or bar during the workout make sure you do take the time to write down your name. Unfortunately we have a lot of bars and drinks go missing which means we might need to stop offering this service if this continues.

So a quick reminder on how to handle our Honesty bar:

  • take your products

  • write your name and products taken on the sheet

  • if you pay by card make sure your cc details are known to us

  • if you pay cash, put the money in the money box and add a tick on the sheet where it says paid

We hope you enjoy the snacks!