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The Power of the ChalkBox Community

Meet our amazing community


There are no ego's at ChalkBox. Everyone recalls their first session and how hard that first step was. So if you are new you are welcomed in a community with like minded people who are there to pull you through all the way. People becoming friends in and outside the gym. Its one of the most rewarding parts of my job and what makes ChalkBox so special.

The sense of community at ChalkBox is unique: everyone knows each other. There is always someone to help with getting your barbell ready or helping you to understand the WOD. This doesn't happen in regular gyms. At ChalkBox you know names and life stories. You know the people, they are your friends. But why is this community so important?


The importance of social support provides you motivation. When we’re tired and are struggling to complete a workout we begin to doubt our ability to finish. Having people to cheer us on gives us the belief that we can do it! CrossFitters always come together when facing tough workouts, we push each other to perform better and faster than ever before. We can manage to complete workouts we didn’t even think were possible!

The support of the ChalkBox community even affects us physiological, changing the hormones in our bodies. Research at Oxford University found that working out in a group resulted in a greater release of endorphins than when working out alone, even when the same amount of work was done. Endorphins are chemicals in the brain that create a sense of excitement, exhilaration and happiness. The release of endorphins is what causes that high you feel when you finish a workout; sometimes known as a “runners high”.