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This week training at the box

Training this week @ChalkBox:

MONDAY: Working on upper body strength. First using the barbell then you will finish the session with two gymnastic movements. There are several scaling options for those we haven't nailed the movements yet

TUESDAY: This is a classic. In teams of 2 you will be taking on 2 Girls benchmark WODs, focus on good movement every single rep.

WEDNESDAY: Leg day. Working on strength endurance, embrace the burn. Finishing with triplet of gymnastic movements for quality.

THURSDAY: Snatches & Threshold Method conditioning. Push yourself, that's the only way to get better at it.

FRIDAY: Working on a stronger posterior chain, we all can use that. Same format as Wednesday but different lift. Again finishing with gymnastic movements for quality.

SATURDAY: Team weightlifting day. 3 AMRAP, 3 different Lifts. Some good tunes on the back ground. Prefect to start your weekend.


If you want to work on your individual goals:

  • Barbell Club is on Wednesday 8pm & Sunday 930am
  • ChalkFit is on Wednesday 8pm, Friday 6pm & 7pm and Sunday 930am & 1030am
  • Big Lifts on Saturday 830am. Mechanics, Consistency only then Intensity. 
  • Strength Program V2.0 is starting Feb 1st 

Please book in advance as above session are usually waitlisted.

All workouts are listed in SugarWod. Any questions email:

Enjoy another week of training at ChalkBox!