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Trevor's Story

We still love to tell the story of the first day Trevor walked through our doors. He was dressed as if he was going to climb a mountain. He explained he couldn’t remember being at a gym for many many years, or ever, and did not own any gym clothes he could wear for his trial session… Well, that has changed since!

When Trevor joined he had some health issues but he has reversed all by eating healthy and by moving!

Meet the awesome Trevor:

“As a youngster, I always enjoyed being out on my bike.
My Dad had some weights and I would often join him with some lifting.
I joined Chalkbox as I was getting to an age and weight where something needed to happen.
I thought I was going to a run of the mill gym, I had no idea about Crossfit.
What a surprise it was, and one of the best, everyone was and remains incredibly supportive and friendly.

In week 2 I joined the Barbell classes and it has remained one of my favourite classes.
( Many thanks to Coach Jason for all his hard work and making it an enjoyable and informative class every week.)

Working out several times a week also helps keep the mind clear.
I have been working a lot lately so only manage 1 or 2 classes a week. I started running in between - its a work in progress.

If you have never been to a gym, do it, you will be pleased.
I'm also Asthmatic and my breathing has improved immensely.

Coaches at Chalkbox are some of the best and always make sure you workout within your limits, while still pushing you a bit, which you need”.