We believe...

At ChalkBox we are on a mission

At ChalkBox we believe that by working out in the correct way and eating healthy you will live longer, feel happier and look better.

Our ChalkBox coaches spend hours on finetuning the strength and conditioning programming. Not a day goes by where we don't work on improving every possibility to make people move and feel better. 

We have created not just a gym but a community of people who all feel their health and happiness comes first. Feeling happier, looking better and being healthy will improve every bit of your life. 

Life is busy, stressful and flies by. We feel that every hour a member spends in the gym must be an hour worth spending. After years of coaching we know that people need to feel welcome in their gym, need to feel supported and pushed and above all need to be coached on a personal level. 

We believe that by working out in the correct way and eating healthy you will live longer, feel happier and look better. 

If you share our believes and like to be part of the ChalkBox community you can book your FREE trial below.