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What defines a good Strength Program?

What do you need to look for in a Strength Program?

Think strength endurance or explosive strength – these are all aspects of getting stronger and may well be more relevant, or at least just as relevant, to you as max strength. A 1 rep max is not always the way to get stronger

What’s the point in being strong if you are injured? When I consider strength, I don’t consider it in a max-out-and-die perspective. I consider it in a bulletproof-and-live perspective.

Where I often have gone wrong is working on a percentage. A program based on strict, unwavering percentage work does not allow for regulation in accordance with your state and ability on that particular day. And not allowing for this can mean that you can either dig yourself into the ground trying to hit an unattainable number, or leave gains on the table.

That doesn’t mean its always wrong to work at a percentage. It might use a system that helps to manage intensity within workouts. It might involve a conjugate system to create adaption without the need to keep upping the weight or volume on the same equipment, which asks tough questions of your body as time goes on.

It’s easy to get lured in by the promise of “Ten kilos on your squat in six weeks,” but consider your reason for building strength here. Do you want strength for now, or forever? If you are interested in long-term strength, as most of us are, then you must be prepared to accept that this is best built through small steps and incremental increases.

The biggest cause of lack of success through a strength training program comes not from the program but from you. Specifically, you not finishing or being inconsistent with the program through injury or lack of motivation to continue. We’ve already covered injury. So make sure your program is enjoyable enough and sustainable enough to keep you hungry.

A good strength program will groove movement on the main lifts through appropriate weights and reps. If the weights prescribed in the program are pulling you out of position for the majority of your reps, they are too heavy. If you are unsure of your movement we highly recommend booking a personal training session to fix this.

Building strength and improving movement quality go hand in hand, and a good strength program will include both by design.

Coach Alan Price has developed a 6 weeks strength program. With the right dedication to the program, you will see improvement in your strength. The Strength Program is based on Olympic Lifting which adds to the explosive power and will make it more fun.

The program has been designed to make anyone stronger and we go so far that you will get your money back if you don’t make progress.

When will we start publishing the program? The expected launch date is August 17th.


CHALKBOX member: £39.50

Non-member £45,-

Price including 6-week open gym use for non-members: £ 89.50

Price incl 1x PT £89.50

Price incl 2x PT £139

As our open gym spaces are limited we will sell a limited amount of the program to start with. If you like to guarantee a piece of this great guaranteed strength pie, you can pre-order by filling out the form below.

See this form in the original post