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What to expect this week in the gym?


In this new cycle, we are adding Tempo Training to the program. The benefits of tempo training have been touted for years by many well-known strength coaches as it’s important to all stages of an athlete’s development (yes you are athletes too!)

There are 3 top reasons why at CHALKBOX we apply this too:

  1. Improved Quality of Movement:

    Quality of movement should be your first priority.  Intensity comes only after one can consistentlydemonstrate the proper mechanics of a movement.

    Proper tempo prescriptions can help athletes develop awareness and body control by giving them an opportunity to “feel” which muscle groups are activating to keep them in proper positions.

  2. Reduced Risk of Injury

    Improving the quality of the movement obviously helps to reduce the risk of injury for athletes.

    But in addition, slowing down the tempo of lifts can ease the stress placed on joints and shift that additional stress to the muscles powering the lift. More stress on the muscles and less on the joints is a good thing.

    Muscles are far better at adapting to increased loads. Connective tissue typically takes longer to strengthen and adapt to the increasing loads, so by slowing down the tempo you can give your connective tissue some rest while still strengthening the surrounding musculature.

  3. Improved Strength Gains

    Yes - it’s very effective in creating a way to continue to train without overtaxing your system. So that means fewer plateaus and more adoptions, especially as the weak links in your movements will be exposed. There’s a lot of geek speak on this topic you can find on the internet!

Tempo Training is part of our [BUILD+MOVE] and [HEAVY DAYS] sessions. Keep an eye out!


  • MONDAY - [BUIILD+MOVE] Slowing it down with tempo deadlifts and pull-up strength work.  Finishing with 100 calories for time!

  • TUESDAY [SWEAT+GRIND] Earn your rest! Ending with Durante core challenge.

  • WEDNESDAY - [HEAVY DAY] Back squats once again, followed by upper body and core strength. Keep building strength, guys!

  • THURSDAY -  [SWEAT+SPRINT] Switch off and go!

  • FRIDAY - [BUIILD+MOVE] Continue to work on that overhead strength. Followed by spicey metcon!

  • SATURDAY - [SWEAT+GRIND] Not an easy one 😅

  • SUNDAY - [SWEAT+GRIND] Burn 😅 before brunch 🥐


  • TUESDAY [BUTT CLUB]- Nathan's surprise?

  • WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY [Barbell Club] - As strong as Jay!

  • FRIDAY [BENCHMARK] - Prep for CF Open 20222

To help you to navigate your week of fitness, we’ve added the following 4 workout types to the description of our Workout of the Day (WOD) and CHALKFIGHT.

[SWEAT - GRIND/SPRINT] Cardio intensive workout that doesn't require prior weightlifting experience but does require a willingness to work hard! The focus is on dumbbell, kettlebell, cardio and bodyweight movements. 

[HEAVY DAY] Is a lifting workout consisting of small sets, most often in the range of 1 - 8 reps. These workouts build top-end strength and power. Often we pair these with assistance exercises to address weaknesses or a spicy metcon.

[BUILD+MOVE] Constantly varied workouts, incorporating strength and work capacity cycles. Never a boring workout.

[BENCHMARK] Every time you repeat the workout, you can directly compare your progress, which helps you see growth—or spot weaknesses so you can correct them. All movements can be modified, loads scaled. Any questions? Please feel free to reach out to us!