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Reminder: Got a niggle or injury? Your Coaches are here to help!

An injury doesn't need to make you stop training

So far I have been lucky and my only niggle has been a tennis elbow which stopped me from some but not all regular training.

Yes, you read that well, it stopped me from SOME regular training. A niggle or injury doesn't necessarily means you need to put your fitness on hold.

In general your doctor will say: stop training till you have healed. That's a very safe but easy advise. But is that really necessary?

When you are injured you can still figure out a way to continue your training in a safe way.

Think of a list of set goals for yourself. One of mine is muscle ups, but with my tennis elbow that was out of reach for a while, or was it? A muscle up involves pulling strength (nope couldn't do that) but it also involves core strength and lats activation and I still could work on that.

But what about the daily wod can I still join in?


Step 1)  You got a niggle and have overdone something but you are still smiling and not in constant pain. Just turn up to the class and the coach on duty will change any movement that might feel uncomfortable. He/she might also give you some mobility or other exercises for you to do at home to help you to heal more quickly.

Step 2) Your injury is more then a niggle, you might even be in plaster or been advised not to put (for example) pressure on your knee. Your coaches are here to help. Use the form below and Coach Mel, Isk or Agnes will reach out to you and if it is safe provide you with a tailored program. You can do your tailored program during the sessions on the side or use the Open Gym slots. 

See this form in the original post