Helping Hands Osteopaths at Chalkbox now.

Please meet our Osteopath Max!

Most of you know or have heard of Hannah already, a brilliant Osteopath who is well known in the CrossFit community. She can fix anyone!
Guess what... Her partner Max who is as good will be working at our Box every Friday from August 19th! The great advantage of Helping Hands Osteopaths is that they are CrossFitters and Lifters themselves, so they have a good understanding of what we do and how they can support.

Please read their intro below and start booking your treatments as their slots always get booked up quickly!

"Hey everyone!

So Max will be working at the box on Fridays between 11:00 and 17:00 starting Friday 19th August for Osteopathic consultations, movement analysis sessions and mobility sessions. 

Max is a fully qualified, registered and insured osteopath, who's is also a CF L1 trainer and British Weightlifting Coach. He works in several boxes across Kent with patients from novice crossfiters to regional level athletes to the Welsh rugby team. He regularly competes in Crossfit and Olympic Weightlifting. 

You can message us now to get booked in!

If you've seen Hannah at the Maidstone clinic before you can see Max at he box as a continuing patient, and you don't need to have the initial consultation taken again.

We've got some interesting blogs on osteopathy and CrossFit for you to read and will post these up at the weekend! 

If you've got any questions as to whether osteopathy is suitable for you or you've got any other questions: what is osteopathy? How is it different to massage therapy? What happens in a treatment? Please ask us in Chalk It FB group. Ask one of the coaches to add you if not already.

Max Osteopath at Chalkbox