CrossFit Open at CHALKBOX

I think we'd all agree that the CHALKBOX community have a strong history of making the CrossFit Open fun and memorable, we've seen fireworks, giant purple dinosaurs, costumes, countless PB's and a fantastic community spirit year after year. It's something we all get behind and throw ourselves into - It's something we all get behind and throw ourselves into - it's several weeks of fun where our members surprise themselves and realise that they are capable of more than they thought. Despite the challenges, we're all facing - this year won't be any different!

In order to make this accessible to as many people as possible, we will be offering the at-home bodyweight option for the Open - but as always we are putting out unique CHALKBOX twist on things!

After nearly a year of staying home, we know a lot of you are missing seeing your friends and family like you used to. SO...... we're inviting them, in fact, we're inviting EVERYONE to get involved in the fun!

How will this work?

  • Reach out to all of your friends and family and get them involved. Wherever they are in the world they can join in the fun over zoom and do the workouts as part of YOUR team.

  • Teams will consist of 4-10 members. Ideally, the teams will be mixed, all ages and abilities. Maybe you can make a team with your husband or wife and your kids? Perhaps you can invite your parents to join in the fun? Maybe your friends and family are on the other side of the world? Not a problem, they can join you online and together you can have fun and create some great memories. Try to have at least 2 non-CHALKBOX members in your team.

We will make sure that absolutely everyone has a workout option that is right for them and their current abilities. We like this to be fun, enjoyable and manageable for all. We want you guys to do what you do best - show up, put in the work, feel awesome and have fun!

How can I prepare for the Open?

We will be running “Level Up Your Fitness” sessions in the weeks leading up to the open (Wednesday’s 6:30pm) specifically aimed for your friends and family. These will be bodyweight only sessions with increased intensity and common CrossFit formats. In these sessions, you'll get a taste for what to expect in the open, practise movements that are likely to come up and get up to speed with all the CrossFit lingo.

When is the open?

The Open starts on the 11th of March. We will be running the workouts on Saturday mornings (13/03, 20/03 and 27/03). You and your teammates will have the option to complete the workouts in your own time between the Friday and the Monday each week, but we want as many of you to benefit from doing this as one, giant zoom community as possible.

How will it be scored?

You will register your team on box mate, all team members will complete the workout and make a note of their score. The team captain will take an average of all the scores for the workout and enter that score into BoxMate each week.

What if I want to do the Open officially?

You can, of course, sign up to the CrossFit open through the CrossFit website and log your scores officially. Zoom classes are for the bodyweight version only. You can use your personal score for the bodyweight option that you do with us on zoom as your official open score as well as part of your team’s score.

We will keep you updated regularly in the weeks leading up to the open with all the specific details on how your team can score extra points and so on - but for now, start getting excited and start building your teams!