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Coach Michele talks about the CF Open

Why you might find it a bit daunting but its good to push out of your comfort zone

It’s ok to be nervous/apprehensive - These are feelings that help us to learn and grow but only if we let them. If we don’t, we stop developing and arguably stop living.

When we are in our comfort zone - our brains happily plod along not wanting change, but pushing ourselves creates enough good stress to positively impact our minds and bodies and this is when we see progression. You don’t need to be the best at everything, it’s about giving it ago and having fun at the same time. You only fail if you don’t try but if you do try, you find out what you are actually capable of.

At the end of last year, I was asked to run an ultra marathon with 10 weeks prep!! My initial reaction was absolutely not, are you mad? I’ve had never even run a marathon and the half marathon I had done was not planned - I just happened to stumble upon it during lockdown and it was anything other than pretty. I never classified myself as a runner but then I thought about it and was like ‘you know what, let’s give it ago, what’s the worst that can happen?’ So I did and you know what, I did it - 50km cross country with 1200m elevation in just over 6 hours. If I hadn’t of tried I would never have realised I could - I just needed that little push! I am so proud of myself and the feeling when I crossed the finishing line was indescribable. Now. after nearly 6 weeks off, I have decided to get back to it and preparing myself to take on the challenge of the CrossFit open. I have never done CrossFit so watch this space, it’s going to be fun.

Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and achieving something you never thought was possible is one of the most empowering things you can do so take that step and give it a go! You have nothing to lose and I can guarantee you won’t regret it….