The CHALKBOX Committed Club

Join the CHALKBOX Committed Club

We were unable to continue with the commitment club due to the numerous lockdowns in 2021, but it’s now back!

What is it?

The committed club is a year-long attendance challenge that will recognize and reward you for consistently showing up to CHALKBOX each month.  It will be broken up into monthly, quarterly, and yearly milestones with rewards along the way.  In order to achieve committed club status, you will have to attend at least 15 classes during each calendar month.  At the end of each month, quarter, and year, we will recognise those individuals who have attended at least 15 classes during EACH of the coinciding calendar months.

Monthly – At the end of each month, we will recognize the monthly committed club.  All members of the committed club for that month will be entered into a raffle to win some sweet prizes.  Example: Everyone who attends at least 15 classes from 1 January 2022 to 31st January 2022 will be recognised as a member of the committed club for January and will be entered into the January raffle.


Quarterly – At the end of each quarter (3-month period), we will recognize the quarterly committed club.  All members of the committed club for that quarter will be entered into a raffle to win some sweet prizes.  Example:  Everyone who attends at least 15 classes EACH in January, February and March will be recognised in the quarter committed club and will be entered into the quarterly raffle.

Quarter 1 – January, February, March

Quarter 2 – April, May, June

Quarter 3 – July, August September

Quarter 4 – October, November, December


Yearly – At the end of 2022, we will recognise and reward the individuals who have been in the committed club for all 12 months.  This means you will have to get at least 15 visits in EACH of the 12 calendar months between January 2022 and December 2022.

So start booking in your sessions!



Monthly – We will raffle off £20,- CHALKBOX Gift Certificates which will be applied for our Chalkbox shop

Quarterly – We will raffle off 2, ½ month credits to be used towards your next monthly membership payment

Yearly – Everyone who achieves committed club status for the entire 12 months will earn a limited-edition, CHALKBOX Committed Club t-shirt that they can proudly wear for the rest of their lives. 



How will the visits be tracked?

The visits will be tracked by signing in to Team Up each day on the computer or via the app.

Does open gym count towards my committed club visits?

No!  Open gym will not count as a visit.

If I do a WOD and Barbell class on the same day, will it count as 2 visits or 1 visit?  

This will count as 2 visits towards your monthly total, just remember to sign in for both classes.

If I miss the committed club for a given month or quarter, will that affect the next month or quarter?

No, each month and quarter are considered separately from previous months and quarters.

Will I get a bonus for exceeding 15 visits in a calendar month?  Can I use extra visits towards a past or future month?

No, the focus of the committed club is rewarding you for being consistent each month, so there are no additional rewards for exceeding 15 visits or ways to transfer extra visits to other months.  As it relates to the committed club, having 15 visits or 30 visits in a given month are equally as awesome.

What if I forget to sign in?

You are responsible for signing in each day so please remember to do this before every class.  If you forget to sign in, you can reach out to one of our coaches to add you to the attendance roster for that day.

Start booking in now!