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Dipping your toes into competitions?

A New Class: Competition

Some of you have asked for some dedicated time to get started for a competition. That’s great as these events are super fun and for some it gives a goal to work towards.

We are happy to run a Competition Class till end of this year as we got several events coming up. However this is on a trial basis and will be on alternating Sunday’s at 11.30am. If not enough people are turning up we will cancel it.  

Starting Sunday September 9th we will focus on skills needed for Battle Cancer comp in October. We will go through the movements for Battle Cancer comp and complete previous Battle Cancer WOD.

What is this Competition Class? 

A 60-90 minute class that will focus on the competition aspects of CrossFit. The Competition Class is designed for those of you who are using their CrossFit training to compete in CrossFit competitions or are looking to get started.

As a sport, CrossFit demands very high levels of strength, skill, coordination, speed, power and endurance. This class is designed to help give athletes a chance to experience and develop the elements they will likely face in CrossFit competitions, both the mental and physical attributes.

Whether you are looking at joining in our in house Comp (yes!!), Battle Cancer in October, or perhaps you’re looking at qualifying for one of the bigger Competitions in the UK or Europe, this class can help get you prepared!

What will a session involve?

To get better at CrossFit guess what you need to do? Do CrossFit better!

As a Sport, training for CrossFit competitions requires slightly different programming focuses (volume, movements, loads, competition style workouts) than our regular CrossFit Classes which are aimed at making you more amazing.

However, you will still be doing CrossFit and that means hard graft and work. During this class we will not spend much time teaching the basic movements. We are hoping those who choose to attend this class to have these basics nailed down, or at least understand what is expected from certain movements. We will be focusing on more complex aspects, such as barbell cycling. 

The classes will be partly coached, run at a faster pace, so we recommend having a good understanding of the CrossFit lingo and terminology of different movements (especially the olympic lifting variations). All of this can be obtained from attending our regular CrossFit classes, Barbell Club and ChalkFit classes.

Who is this class for? 

Absolutely anyone! As Greg Glassmans says ‘our needs differ by degree, not kind‘. It doesn’t matter if you have never competed before or you are a competition veteran. We all progress faster when we learn and train together!

There are no set requirements and no certain ability level. As long as you enjoy training, have a positive attitude and come with a willingness to work hard and support your fellow classmates, then this class might be for you.

If you need some guidance on whether you think the class is appropriate for present stage of development the best option is to come and try a class or two out and see how you find it, you can also speak to a coach who will be happy to help.

So if you are intrigued by the idea of CrossFit competitions, come and check the class out!

Who is this class NOT for? 

We are stating the obvious but here we go:

This class is not for anyone who thinks they are better or more deserving than the person next to them. 

Anyone who wants to attend the class has just as much right to be there as the next person, just because you may have been training CrossFit for twice the time than somebody else does not mean you are any more capable or deserving them.