A message from Michele

Hey team,

It has been a pleasure to meet some of you now we are back training in the gym and I can’t wait to coach some of you for the ChalkFit class on Sunday.

As you may be aware my background is in functional training with Kettlebells and Dumbbells rather than CrossFit hence why you will see me coaching the ChalkFit classes.

What’s the difference between ChalkFit and CrossFit I hear many of you ask, they are part of the same family and consequently, there are a number of crossovers. One is not better than the other though, it is about what works best for you, your goals, and overall health and they complement each other if you would do both sessions.

Both ChalkFit and CrossFit have their advantages but ChalkFit is easier for beginners to get stuck into. Weights tend to be lighter and Chalkfit has less complicated movements like Olympic lifting and gymnastics.

As a result, for many it is seen as a less intimidating approach to training especially if you are new to exercise or recovering from injury or illness. As demand increases for ChalkFit, so too will the number of classes but we are super excited to have these back on the schedule and hope you are too. Please feel free to drop us a message if you are interested in these classes and if so what days and times would be of interest to you.

For anyone that may be interested, I also have a few slots available for PT so please contact me for a free consultation where I can check for imbalances and discuss your goals.

Health & Fitness looks different for everyone and we all have a preference in the way we move but I believe it has to work for you, be enjoyable, and most importantly pain-free. Rehab is a passion of mine, whether it be from injury, illness or mental wellbeing.

As a qualified ski instructor and competitive horse rider, it is fair to say I have had my fair share of injuries (some more serious than others) and it is from here my passion grew. As someone that also suffers from auto-immune disease, I have had to learn to balance my training carefully for it not to impact both my physical and mental health.

Ensuring you have a strong and balanced body that moves well and without discomfort is my key priority. Imbalances increase over time and if not corrected will sadly in the majority of cases result in an injury.

Whether you have just had a baby, have aches and pains that you want to get fixed, or just want to improve your health and fitness, I am here to help. Put yourself first, make your body a priority and let me help you be put the bounce back in your step!