Debbie and her fitness journey at CHALKBOX

I joined Chalkbox a couple of years ago to spend more time with my son Michael and to become fitter. I have to admit I was wary because being older and hearing what they did, seemed far beyond my reach.  However, Agnes made me feel welcome and encouraged me to do workouts and exercises I had never heard of, let alone thought I could do.  After completing my trial sessions I joined and became hooked.  The community was great, everyone encourages you and the workouts could be scaled so were achievable, giving you a sense of pride and wanting to return.  

 Every year, there is a CrossFit Open and Chalkbox do their own version for its members., which I joined in last year and was great fun.  This year, however, with lockdown, the official CrossFit Open was adapted so anyone could join according to their level of ability and age.  I didn’t want to do the “no equipment” version, as felt that was too easy, but scaled included handstand push up and pulls ups, which are still skills beyond me, so I decided to do Foundation level, which was between the two.  I admit that for my age group (50-54) the weights were lighter than I normally used, but this was what everyone was using at my level and out of curiosity,  I wanted to see where I ranked with everyone else.  If I could be in the bottom 100, happy days.  So I registered both Michael and myself, so we could do this together at home.  

 Week 1 – I was third, although, with late scores, I dropped to 7th, but still no1  in the UK as I was the highest person with the UK Flag against her name – wow!   

Week 2,  I was joint 4th, dropping to 12th place with late scores coming in.  When I suddenly realised, I was in the top 20 and not the bottom 20, my competitiveness streak reared its head, and by hook or crook,

I was going to end in the Top 10.  By now, Chalkbox’s outside area was open so I decided to go there, to use their weights as I knew I needed to lift as heavy as I could to achieve my goal. 

Amanda Crabbe, one of the CHALKBOX members, being a superstar, had just finished her WOD and kindly offered to help.  I finished 21.3 and loaded the barbell to 40 kilos.  I did the sequence but it was tough as I hadn’t lifted weights for about a year due to COVID.  “Add some more,” Amanda said.  I wasn’t sure, but she pointed out I had time to try – what did I have to lose? 

So I went up to 45 kilos and did it – thanks to Amanda.  I logged my scores.  I needed to wait until Tuesday night to ensure all late scores were included,  so I could see my final score and position  – oh my days – 2nd place in my age group/level – who would have thought an overweight, 53-year-old nannie could do that!  My confidence shot through the sky. I thought I was going to the Quarterfinals, but I had got confused and misread entries for this - you had to be in the top 3000 for the entire competition, for that,  I was 91,422 out of 108,565 but for me I am still a winner.  Two years ago, I didn’t know what a burpee was, let alone do one.

 Chalkbox gave me the confidence to give it a go, the skills to try out new exercises, and coaches to help me achieve my goals (not to mention their patience).  I have made new friends.  We encourage, sweat, and laugh together.  CrossFit isn’t just a form of exercise, it has been a lifeline.  Yep, I am probably addicted now, as I cannot see myself giving up and you never know, next year, I might be able to enter the scaled level? 

Never stop trying and dreaming, as you never know what you can achieve until you try, even if you are outside your comfort zone.  Above all, remember, you have the entire Box (members and coaches) supporting you on your journey and they all want you to do so well. 

So thanks everyone, my achievement is yours too because, without you, I would never have done it