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Our latest partnership Next Step Nutrition

Meet Jonny Landels, Your Nutrition partner:

I started CrossFit back in the 'Pre-Bok' days of 2011 and actually competed in the first ever CrossFit Games Open, however I didn't finish it due to university commitments. My biggest achievement is combined with coming 192nd in Europe in the 2015 CrossFit Games Open, and placing 2nd at the Rainhill Trials in Manchester 2 years in a row (2015 and 2016).

My favourite benchmark workout is Grace with my PB being 1:46 and my least favourite is Diane as I hate handstand push ups! I've been coaching CrossFit since 2012 and started in Cardiff while studying for my Masters.

I changed to focus on food after I myself sought nutrition coaching to clear up my confusion and my own relationship with food, which has been poor since I was a teenager. I think good nutrition is the key to being a better athlete. If you don't have the correct fuel in the tank, you're dehydrated, your digestion is off etc, then you can't hope to feel and perform at your best or recover properly from your workouts.

I have struggled with my weight and my relationship with food from my teens. I was a chunky kid and got away with it mostly by playing rugby and being very active, however I had a very poor diet and would eat junk food often. 

When I got to university and started training more seriously I lost a good bit of weight but still struggled with food in terms of what 'diet' to follow or with having spouts of clean eating/paleo followed by cheat days/weekends.

My favourite snack would be pic n mix sweets haha but I don't have them too often - once in a while at the cinema or long journey.

I don't 'cheat' on my diet anymore per se as I am a firm believer of having a flexible mindset around food/nutrition. However I would say once a week I will have a big meal out and cinema trip and once every often I have that 'big night out' where there's copious alcohol and food but that is very rare nowadays!