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Omega 3 - Fatty Acids

Why should you take Omega 3 supplements

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Whatever you put into your body, do so at your own risk. All I intend to describe is what I do and why I do it. I consume 4000 milligrams (4.0 g) of Omega-3 fatty acids via fish oil daily at a bodyweight of 62 kilograms. I recommend a proportionate dose for most adults. Dr. Barry Sears said of fish oil, “It’s as close to a miracle drug as I’ll ever see in my lifetime.” I agree.

Fish oil, which includes Cod-liver oil, is a significant source of the Omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. These fatty acids have numerous, documented health benefits: improved cholesterol balance, reduced inflammation, increased blood flow, reduced rates of heart disease and atherosclerosis, better immune system function, improved brain function, improvement in psychiatric disorders, and prevention of cancers (particularly breast, colon, and prostate). Improved blood flow and reduced inflammation are of particular interest to athletes. This enables an athlete to train harder and recover faster.

I advise everyone to eat a diet rich in lean meat, fruits, and vegetables, nuts, and seeds, with as little starch and refined sugar as possible. However, if you simply refuse to change your diet then I highly recommend you take fish oil. It’s super easy and will go a long way towards counteracting those McDonald’s extra value meals.

The only significant negative effect of fish oil is that when taken in large doses and combined with drugs like aspirin, it can cause increased bleeding. This doesn’t mean you will bleed out from a paper cut, but it could be significant if you incurred a life-threatening injury. This would probably only happen in rare circumstances where you take an extremely large dose and combine that with an anti-coagulant like Aspirin and suffer life-threatening bleeding. I think the benefits far outweigh the risks, but that’s a decision you must make for yourself.

How much Fish Oil should you take?

Well, make sure you ignore the recommended doses on the bottles. Check out my previous post on the dosage.