On the Second Day of CrossFit my coaches gave to me.....

On the First Day of CrossFit my coaches gave to me: Partner WOD Rowing Cindy

On the Second Day of CrossFit my coaches gave to me.....

No one has voted for this WOD but still the coaches decided to put this into the mix. It is HERO WOD ARNIE. Why? Because this will be a challenge…Turkish Get Ups and Overhead Squats. Both of them are really challenging on your mobility and form. And that’s exactly the point. These movements will be slowing you down and might even humble the best of us. Take your time to work through the movements. The only easy bit will be the Kettlebell swings. Take care on loads don’t go heavy if form doesn’t allow. We have put in a time cap of 20minutes.


In 20min try to get as far as you can:

• 21 Turkish get-ups, Right arm

• 50 Swings

• 21 Overhead squats, Left arm

• 50 Swings

• 21 Overhead squats, Right arm

• 50 Swings

• 21 Turkish get-ups, Left arm

Use a load you can move TGU at least for 2 reps unbroken. For KBS use a load you can do at least 10 reps with UNBROKEN