Run & Cake

Run and Cakes – Community Day!

It is time for our annual Run & Cake Eent! After last year’s event in Apr we’ve decided its time to dust of those running shoes, start up those watches and get ready to log your score for the Chalkbox 5km Trial Run…. Social Distancing in place of course.

Most of us feel like we aren’t runners but in last year’s April event you proved us and yourselves wrong. With all runners even completing the full 5km Route whether it was running or running/walking. Let’s just say those endorphins were running too!

Running is an elementary movement in life and we’d love for you to join us on Sunday 6th September.

The run starts and ends at the box and is a combination of field and Road and very easy to stay 2m Apart along the way. There is also a 3km route choice if you want to take part but are unsure about the full distance. 

Its time to start social distance socialising again as a community and it would make us proud as a coaching team to see so many of you tackle this course again or for the first time!

Kids, Dogs, and Family Members welcome.

So that we can stick to government guidelines we will be staggering start times so that we have the government restricted MAX 30 In one gathering and you will need to book your slot. 

If you don’t fancy running but just want to come to eat some cake…. That’s fine too!!

Whos In?