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Sinead's Lockdown Nutrition Challenge

We have an exciting 21-day nutrition challenge for you to get involved in, delivered by our nutritionist Sinead from Feed.Fuel.Perform

We know in lockdown many of us have very different fitness and food goals. We might be trying to lose weight, keep our muscle, stay healthy, or simply just avoid raiding the biscuit tin every half hour!

WHATEVER your goal, eating enough protein is so important!

And many of us don’t. Or we rely on protein supplements. Or we skew all our intake to the evening (not useful, we need it regularly!). 

So here is the chance to spend 21 days getting fixing your protein habits with the support of your gym buddies and a nutrition coach. And the incentive of a prize worth over £100 at the end! 

You will be challenged to eat a certain amount of protein at every meal (do not worry, you will get a handy guide to protein portion sizes in grams and handfuls to make it easy). 

Plus, there are weekly challenges for bonus points, and the opportunity to share and receive a whole host of new recipe ideas. 

Cost: £20 (normal price £40, this is a lockdown special!)

Prize: 1:1 nutrition consultation, including food diary review and PDF summary of personalised nutrition recommendation, plus Nutrition eHandbook and Recipe eBook

Starts: Monday 20th April

Fill out the form below to take part or ask any questions

See this form in the original post