Several of you have been asking what your coaches are doing for pre and post wod supplements. Couple of quick tips what we are doing to keep on going juggling all priorities in life.

1. Pre WOD

- Eat before we go to the Box. We try to have some carbs & protein 1 hour before we go.

-  Snack. Sometimes we don't find the time and we grab a Barebells Protein bar when we walk into the box. It is a great source of fuel. We keep these in the fridge in the box.

- Water. We are religious about. We drink a lot. Keep track of it, use your favourite bottle, fill it up so you know how much you drink.

- Coffee. Loving it. It helps to give that additional focus in a work out. Note a cup of coffee doesn't count towards our water intake.

- Functional Beverage. Ready to drink enhanced water. We sip NOCCO’s, a carbonated drink enriched with BCCA, vitamins and sugar free.

2. Post WOD

- Recovery Shake. After a hard WOD it is time to make sure your body can replenish your energy and start repairing your muscle tissues. Research has proven that for optimal recovery you need to take in carbs & protein in 2:1 ratio with 1 hour after your workout. A shake is ideal for this. It is easy , convenient and give your body the right nutrition.

- A Barebell. Same as above. Quick snack to replenish the body. Don't forget to eat also some protein. A coconut white chocolate Battle Oats with a strawberry flavoured protein shake is Coach Isk's favourite.

- Water or a NOCCO.


- Fish Oil. Unless your diet contains a lot of Omega 3, take the supplements. You need it. Research the internet if you don't believe it.

- Magnesium. An important mineral to help you to increase your bone density. We take ZMA, a combination of Zinc and Magnesium. Helps you to sleep better as well.

Other supplements to consider:

A Protein Shake: yes easy way to consume protein. There are many brands on the market. Make sure you buy a clean protein shake, look for low carb/fat, high protein content. However before you get addicted to a protein shake, do you know how much protein you are consuming a day?????

Some BCAA: great supplement to help your body to repair muscle damage and grow lean muscle tissue. Some protein shakes will contain BCAA so check the label! if not buy the tablets.

Some Creatine: proven to increase muscle endurance. Before you start using it make sure you got your nutrition sorted.