The Lockdown Workout Program

As part of the LOCKDOWN CHALLENGE we are introducing the Lockdown Workout Program. It is a program to be done anywhere using universal piece of equipment that everyone has. It won’t be a collection of easy workouts, these are workouts we would program in the gym too. The workouts are challenging and are for those who want to get it and be done for the day. It will keep you engaged and improves your health. Ignore all the fluff that’s floating around on the internet.


It follows 3 days ON/ 1 day OFF then 2 days ON/ 1 day OFF and throughout it will build upon previous workouts. On your OFF days you either enjoy your rest, or join Yoga/Mobility session or you catch up on workouts missed.


The workouts are either Body Weight (BW), Limited Equipment (LE) or a Run. They are varied, not random and fun to do. There will be partner workouts and of course the Bar Fight Games WODs will feature too!

Example below how BW workout may look like:

Fight Gone Bad BW

  • 1min of Squat + Push Up

  • 1min of Straight Leg Sit Ups

  • 1min of High Knees

  • 1min of Sumo Stance Air Squats

  • 1min of Down & Ups

  • 1min of Rest

Repeat for 5 rounds

The Program will start with a baseline workout. Everyone in encouraged to do this one. Later on it will be repeated so you can measure your progress.


More details will follow later this week. It will be an easy to follow program, and if your follow through together with the workouts it will improve your health and fitness.