This week in the gym!

Meet Wendler week 2

The 5/3/1 method popularized by Jim Wendler is a tried and true strength program that focuses on the basics: squat, bench, deadlift, and overhead press. The program highlights those main lifts since they have such a large carryover to other lifts in the gym. Plain and simple, if you get better at those, you’ll get stronger overall.

We are starting off with the Back Squat on Mondays and Deadlifts on Fridays. This program is for everyone, it will start with light weights and build over the next couple of weeks. But the magic isn’t in lifting heavy weights, it’s in doing a decent volume of reps at a challenging weight with good form. We want you to push yourself.


  • MONDAY - [BUILD+MOVE] 5/3/1 Wendler Back Squats followed by short metcon

  • TUESDAY -   [BENCHMARK] Snatches, this time we take on Ingrid

  • WEDNESDAY - [SWEAT+GRIND] Team of 2, burn 😅 those calories!

  • THURSDAY - [SWEAT+GRIND] Our version of “Iron Man”

  • FRIDAY - [BUILD+MOVE] 5/3/1 Wendler Deadlifts followed by short metcon

  • SATURDAY - [SWEAT+SPRINT] 3 min of work, 5 times

  • SUNDAY - [SWEAT+GRIND] The Big Sexy 5, getting you swole and sexy


  • MONDAY [CHALK HR]- Learn more about your heart rate with Alan.

  • WEDNESDAY & SUNDAY [Barbell Club] - As strong as Jay!