Next weeks training at the gym

Training @ChalkBox:

Back to the grind!


Below is the template. Monday, Thursday and Saturday are fixed for next 3 weeks. The other days will rotate.

MONDAY: Front Squats following Wendler

TUESDAY:  Snatching & bit of strength

WEDNESDAY: Gymnastics

THURSDAY: Dead Lifts following Wendler

FRIDAY:  Engine work

SATURDAY: Get strong upper body!



If you want to work on your individual goals:

  • Barbell Club is on Wednesday 8pm & Sunday 930am
  • ChalkFit is on Wednesday 8pm, Friday 6pm & 7pm and Sunday 9am
  • Big Lifts on Saturday 830am & 930am. Mechanics, Consistency only then Intensity.  

Please book in advance as above session are usually waitlisted.

All workouts are listed in SugarWod. Enjoy training at ChalkBox!

Any questions email: