Personal Trainer - The best in the field

CHALKBOX only works with the best-motivated coaches in the field. We have a great team of different coaches and today we like to introduce you to Alan

Alan Price is a highly respected exercise professional with a diverse and varied skillset. With over 10 years of experience in the sector, he wears many hats, including but not limited to a personal trainer, rehab specialist, fitness writer (yes we can see his first book coming out soon), online programmer and he is a certified nutrition coach.

Alan has always been motivated to become the best coach he can be. This means developing his knowledge base across as many facets of health and fitness as possible. “You want to have a broad understanding of how the body works and its relationship to the mind”.

" I played golf professionally for about 8 years at which point I decided to change careers and venture into the fitness industry. Playing golf was a great period for me and one of the biggest lessons I learned from my time as a golf professional was the value of having a great coach. Someone with a level of knowledge and experience that can truly help you reach your potential whatever that may be”.

Booking a session with Alan doesn’t just mean working a fitness program. He will spend time assessing you, correcting your posture, fixing alignments, and helping you to become the fittest and strongest you have ever been. Both from the in- and outside!

After having coached for many years in the business hart of London, Alan has discovered the Sevenoaks area and has decided to leave the tall buildings to enjoy the garden of England.

So great news for us! :)

Alan’s 1-2-1 slots have been filling up rapidly since arriving at CHALKBOX but there are still some gaps in his schedule left.

If you want to be coached by the best in the field, whether this is to get fit, learn more about olympic lifting, working on an injury, or simply wanting to lose body fat, Alan can help you with all of the above and more.

Book your assessment with Alan today and discuss a plan to get you to your goals